Thursday, November 10, 2011

30 Days of Thankfulness: Days 9 & 10

I can't believe I made 2 posts yesterday and forgot about my 30 days of thankfulness! Well, I'll just be thankful twice today :)

First (#9) I'm thankful for great friends and family who have supported me and my decisions about this upcoming birth. Having a natural birth with a midwife is bizarre enough in today's society, but here in what I fondly refer to as the middle of nowhere, it is even crazier. Everyone already thinks I'm a little nuts for my extended breastfeeding and cloth diaper usage, but now I want to have a midwife too!? LOL Thanks to all of you who support me (and even those of you who think I'm crazy but keep that to yourself!) because it doesn't help anything at all to have negativity surrounding you all the time.

Second (#10) I'm thankful for my new pillow I was able to buy today. My neck has hurt for about 4 or 5 days now, sometimes resulting in some pretty bad headaches. I went and bought a new pillow today (which was even on sale!) and I'm hoping a nice thick, firm pillow will resolve that for me.

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