Friday, October 21, 2011

Thankful Thursday (a little late)

I realized after midnight that I never posted my Thankful Thursday and figured I might as well wait until I was fully awake since it was going to be late anyway. So, for my "Thursday" post today...
Today I'm thankful that we had a good day (yesterday). Ashley and I butt heads sometimes, but yesterday was great. She got out of the house for a few hours with one of her counselors, but for the most part was with me all day. I'm thankful that my mama is coming to visit this weekend. And I'm so very thankful for all the hand-me-downs we have for our two little ones. This week I sorted through I think 6 tubs of baby clothes for Joshua and was able to discard those with stains or that I just plain didn't like and give them to another mom in need and still have plenty left. And I have 2 tubs of clothes for Emma that I still need to go through to do the same thing. I'm thankful that we went of visitation last night for church, and I was able to talk to a young lady who is very interested in finding a good, local, Baptist church. It makes me feel great to help people find their place in a church (and even better when that happens to be my church!) so they can find friends and a place to be involved in God's work.

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